A list of associated groups and HUBs on the GMRS Live Network. This is not a complete list and some groups utilizing the network wish to remain private. Clicking the icon or link of a group below will take you to a page with information and links for that group. The information on the group pages are supplied by each group and reprinted for them here. We are not responsible for the content. They are in no particular order. Each group on this network has their own way of doing things and are responsible for the way the group operates. When visiting please be a good member and adhere to their operating standers and procedures.

     Below you will see the 700 HUB. It is a starting point for new users but is in no way what the network is. The network is way bigger then that. All users are encourage to visit other Groups and see what they have to offer. We don’t want to be in control of the entire user experience like some other so called networks do. You are in control, it is what you make of it.  We don’t want to create a bunch of HUBs and then force you to link to just them. Here the users create their own thing and mold it in such a way as they like.

     With GMRS Live being a true network ANY user can create Hubs and other Nodes and move ANYWHERE in the network ANYTIME they wish. So checkout some of the links below (click the icon), then drop in and visit them on the air.

GMRS Live Radio Linking Project, GMRS Linking

The 700 Hub

by GMRS Live

The 700 is a place to start out for new users…

Slingshot Repeater System, San Jose, CA.

Our ongoing goal is to promote and encourage more GMRS …

Alamo City GMRS HUB

Alamo City GMRS is here to promote the…

CentTex GMRS

Our mission is to create a thriving community…

Lone Wolf System Inc

At Lone Wolf System Inc., we specialize….

Mishigami Hub

SouthEastern Michigan…

Gulf Coast Radio

Welcome to GMRS, The Gulf Coast Radio network…

Ocean State GMRS

Join us in building bridges and fostering…

Southeastern Pa GMRS Club

GMRS Radio Club for the 5 County area of Southeastern Pennsylvania.



Our Mission…

Simplifying radio communication for North Carolina.




The Mesh Network


The Mesh Network allows GMRS users to extend their “fars” thru use…



Indiana GMRS


To improve the GMRS Radio experience in the Hoosier State…

US Ragchew Network


The US Ragchew Network is a dynamic…

To be added to this list simply email support@gmrslive.com with group name, any links and a discription. Attach a image icon. We will make it up at our earliest convenince and send you a link for approval before making it live.


GMRS Radio Linking at its Finest